Scholarships, bursaries and awards
Aurora College students are eligible for many scholarships, bursaries and awards. Some of these are administered by Aurora College while others are administered by other organizations. Some are only available to Aurora College students while others are available to NWT post-secondary students. The scholarships, bursaries and awards listed on this site are those that we believe are of particular interest to Aurora College students.
We have them organized by Program, by Campus and by Region to make them easier for you to find those that are most relevant to you. Click on the links below to open up a listing of scholarships, bursaries and awards.
If you are aware of others that we should add to our site, please feel free to let us know at info@auroracollege.nt.ca
These scholarships, bursaries and awards are specific to your campus. Check both All Campuses and your Campus.
Click on All Campuses and your Campus:
All Campuses (available to students at all campuses)
These are based on the program of study. All Programs include scholarships, bursaries and awards available to students regardless of program of study.
Click on All Programs and your Program of Study:
All Programs
Academic Upgrading
- Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE)
- Occupations and College Access (OCAP)
- University and College Access (UCAP)
Arts and Science Programs
Business Programs
Education Programs
Health and Human Services Programs
Trades, Apprenticeship and Industrial Training Programs
These scholarships, bursaries and awards are specific to students from a region. They are based on the home region of the student (NOT the location of the program). For example, if you are from Tuktoyuktuk and are studying Nursing at Yellowknife Campus, you would click Beaufort Delta (not North Slave). All Regions include all scholarships regardless of region.
Click on All Regions and the name of your Region:
All Regions (available to students from all regions)
Many students use different websites to search for scholarships, bursaries and awards. Here are a few of the most common places to look: