Are you looking for a pathway to a new career?
Program: University and College Access Program (UCAP)
Program length: 1 Year
Start date: September
- Aurora College Record of Achievement
- Full Time
- Classroom
Program Description
The University and College Access Program (UCAP) is under the broader umbrella of the Aurora College School of Developmental Studies. UCAP provides a combination of prerequisite and college preparation courses to enable students to enter the following Aurora College post-secondary programs: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Practical Nurse, Business Administration, and Environment and Natural Resources Technology.
UCAP includes a combination of 85 percent Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE) and Alberta Education Grade 11 and 12 courses, and 15 percent Specialty Access courses. The Aurora College School of Developmental Studies has developed the ALBE curriculum to include six levels of study. The ALBE courses in UCAP range from the 140 to 160 levels.
The Career Pathways may not be available at each campus. Participants mainly enrol in the program to meet prerequisite entry requirements for Aurora College certificate, diploma, and degree programs. Students enrol in this program on a full-time basis through either classroom or distance delivery. Distance delivery of courses may not be available every academic year.
Aurora College has developed a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process to ensure the ALBE curriculum used in the Access Programs is current and relevant.
Program Eligibility
Individuals must be at least 17 years of age and meet specific academic prerequisites depending on their career pathway of choice.
Applicant Assessment
Applicants must meet the program eligibility requirements and may be required to complete assessments to assess English (reading and writing) and math skills. The tools are not pass or fail, but designed to place the learner at an appropriate level. Also, as part of the placement process, Aurora College staff will interview each participant to assess suitability for the program and course selection. If secondary school (grades 10-12) transcripts can be provided, a copy of the transcript will also be used to assist with the assessment.
Program Admission
Applicants must meet the program eligibility requirements. High school transcripts must be provided and if necessary, Aurora College placement tests may be administered to determine an applicant’s academic levels. Depending on the applicant’s chosen pathway, they will be advised/requested to submit a criminal record check and/or immunization record.
Program Information
Access program delivery varies at each campus location.
The program consists of 85 percent score courses in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) Portfolio Development and 15 percent Specialty Access courses. Not all courses are available at all locations.
An NWT Secondary School Diploma may be obtained by adult learners who complete a minimum of 100 credits, of which 55 are specified academic course credits. The balance may be attained through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), to a maximum of 45 credits for accredited course equivalencies. An application must be completed and documentation must be provided to support PLAR assessment.Completed applications and supporting documentation are to be submitted to the Adult Recognition Model (ARM) Evaluation Committee for review.
Full-time students are placed in a program of study based on their interests and needs.
Most courses are delivered in the classroom, but some courses may be delivered through distance delivery.
Students attend all scheduled classes in accordance with College and/or Program policy.
Program Objectives
The University and College Access Program will provide the students with opportunities to:
- Achieve prerequisite courses for entry into post-secondary programs at Aurora College (Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Practical Nurse, Business Administration, Aviation Business, and Environment and Natural Resources Technology);
- Develop writing and research skills to prepare students to be successful in the post-secondary program of their choice;
- Develop basic skills in specific subject areas using Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE) curriculum (levels 140 to 160);
- Expand critical and creative thinking skills;
- Acquire skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to meet personal, employment, or educational goals;
- Explore a range of learning experiences;
- Apply new knowledge to different situations;
- Develop career pathways leading directly to employment or entry into post-secondary programs through the study of carefully chosen courses;
- Identify skills, knowledge and attitudes acquired through life experiences as well as course-based learning;
- Develop a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) portfolio, which can be used for personal affirmation, employment or accredited course equivalencies; and
- Explore an alternative pathway for adult learners to earn an NWT Secondary School Diploma.
Completion Requirements
For all courses levels 140 to 145, the student must achieve 60 percent or greater to complete the course.
For levels 150 and 160, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Social Studies 20-2 and Social Studies 30-2, the student must achieve 50 percent or greater to complete the course. The student must achieve 50 percent or greater to complete the two UCAP Specialty Courses. Aurora College post-secondary programs and other colleges/universities may require higher course pass marks for entrance into specified programs of study.
The course completion requirements for an Aurora College Access Program Record of Achievement are determined by the chosen career pathway. See the UCAP Pathways Chart.
Click here to see the UCAP Pathways Chart.
Document of Recognition
Students will receive a Record of Achievement based on completing courses in their selected career pathway.
NWT Secondary School Diploma may be awarded by the Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) to an adult learner who meets the NWT Secondary School Diploma requirements. Students are required to complete and submit the application directly to ECE.