Training Northerners to be leaders
Program: Northern Leadership Development Program – Level 1
Program length: 6 Months (or Modular Part Time)
Start date: Check Local Campus
- Aurora College Record of Achievement
- Part Time
- Classroom
Program Description
The Northern Leadership Development Program (NLDP) is intended to provide individuals employed in “front line” positions in industry with an enhanced awareness of self, self -expression, interpersonal skills, decision making, and stress management practices which result in stronger leadership practices. The program objective is to prepare these individuals to advance to more senior positions within their organization.
NLDP uses a variety of best practice leadership models throughout the program’s nine courses, including an emphasis on emotional intelligence. A governing theme throughout the program is centred on the awareness that organizational development practices that utilize emotional intelligence result in measureable achievement including higher team performance and enhanced organizational financial performance.
NLDP is unique in that each student will have an identified leadership mentor located at their place of work to support their growth and their application of what they are learning as they progress through the program. This onsite support is an important element that maximizes each student’s leadership growth and development throughout the program. This program is designed for potential leaders within an organization as well as people new to supervisory or management roles, such as team leaders or front-line supervisors.
Program Eligibility
Applicants must be identified by their employer as strong candidates to participate fully in the program and integrate their learning into their respective workplaces. No previous leadership training is required. Aurora College can provide reading comprehension testing when requested, to determine the reading comprehension level of applicants and assist the employer in identifying appropriate candidates. The employee must have a designated coach/mentor within his/her company or organization.
Applicant Assessment
Applicants will be accepted based on the recommendation and support of their employer.
Program Admission
Applicants will be admitted based on the program eligibility criteria, subject to space availability.
Program Information
Courses will be delivered over an academic year. Students will earn a Record of Achievement after successfully completing all of the required modules. Further information about the courses is available in the NLDP Participant Guide which will be provided to the students.
Students must attend all scheduled activities. Modules are usually delivered onsite at an Aurora College location in Yellowknife but some modules may be offered online. Each program course will require attendance on four days. In consideration of the work schedules of the students, the course dates and start and finish times will be scheduled to align with industry-imposed travel arrangements and will be shared as part of the program delivery schedule.
Mentors are requested to attend a Mentoring Workshop (one day, from 9:00am to 5:00am, and part of a second day [from 9:00am to noon] on the last day of the first course, Personal Development), as well as the ninth course, Leadership in Action.
Program Objectives
During the program, students will:
- Acquire knowledge and skills in the subject areas of leadership development.
- Develop skills which will allow them to better engage, communicate with, and manage their respective teams in the workplace.
- Develop a base of leadership skills so that they can continue their leadership development as they are exposed to increased responsibilities in the workplace.
Completion Requirements
Students must successfully complete all of the courses. To successfully complete a course, a student must attend at least 60 percent of the course hours and participate in the prescribed activities as directed by the facilitator. A student who does not attend 60 percent of the course hours for a course, or who does not participate as directed by the facilitator, will fail the course.
The Mentoring Workshop course is to be taken by the mentors of the students, not the students.
Document of Recognition
Record of Achievement