Creating business and community leaders
Program: Business Administration
Program length: 2 Years
Start date: September
- Diploma
- Certificate
- Full Time
- Part Time
Program Description
The Business Administration program is intended to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for careers in business, government and non-profit organizations. Emphasis is placed on helping students develop knowledge and skills that are appropriate for the unique business environment in the NWT. The Business Administration program provides students with an opportunity to acquire a certificate (one year) and a diploma (two years).
Business Administration Certificate
All students accepted into the Business Administration program must initially be enroled in the certificate program. This program consists of ten courses, representing 30 credit hours. The program provides students with the skills necessary to succeed in an entrylevel position in business, government or non-profit organizations. Graduates will be able to work in areas such as accounting, finance, management and marketing.
Business Administration Diploma
Upon completing the certificate program, students may enrol in the diploma program. There are six required courses in the diploma program and 12 electives. Students must complete four to earn a Business Administration Diploma. The Accounting Stream includes the indicated four electives (Automated Accounting, Managerial Accounting I, Managerial Accounting II, and Corporate Finance). A Work Experience Option is available to all students but is not a required component of the program. It includes two work placements: one after the first year, and one after the second year.
Program Eligibility
Applicants may be admitted into the Business Administration program based on one of the following pathways: academic, previous business studies and mature student/experiential.
Academic Pathway
Applicants may be considered for admission who have:
Completed a high school diploma including:
- A passing grade in English 30-2 and
- A passing grade in Math 30-2.
Applicants who have completed the Aurora College University and College Access Program (UCAP) Business Administration Pathway may also be considered for admission if they have:
- passing grade in Aurora College English 150 and
- passing grade in Aurora College Math 150. Equivalencies and other post-secondary education may be considered.
Previous Business Studies
Applicants who have previously completed the Aurora College O£ ice Administration diploma will be considered for admission. These applicants must have successfully completed Math 30-2 or Aurora College Math 150. Alternatively, the applicant must successfully complete a specific Business Administration math entry course designed to help O£ ice Administration students ladder into Business Administration. Students who have successfully completed a Business Administration Certificate through another institution may be considered for admission.
Mature Student/Experiential Pathway
Applicants who are 20 years or older, have been out of school for at least one year, and have relevant work/life experience may be considered for admission on an individual basis. Eligibility for the program may be determined through an interview and a placement test or other assessment of English and/or Math. The applicant may be required to submit a resume or other evidence of relevant work/life experience. Regardless of the pathway for admission, all applicants must: • Submit o£ icial transcripts from high school and post-secondary education, as applicable. Depending on the applicant’s pathway, they may be advised/ requested to submit: • A resume or other evidence of relevant work/life experience.
Applicant Assessment
Applicants must complete an Aurora College application form and submit o£ icial transcripts (high school and post-secondary). Applicants are encouraged to apply early and submit all required and requested documentation. Applicants who are currently enroled in one or more of the required academic courses for admission are encouraged to apply early and provide transcripts that demonstrate that they are currently registered in these courses. Applicants may receive a conditional acceptance that is dependent on their successful completion of the required courses (50 percent or higher). Applicants who are conditionally accepted will be required to provide a final transcript upon completion of the required courses to be fully accepted.
Students who have already completed post-secondary course work in Business Administration or related courses may have transferability into this program. Post-secondary transcripts and course syllabi/outlines will be required for evaluation. Students seeking transfer credit will be required to follow process defined in Aurora College Policy C.01 Transfer Credit.
Program Admission
Applicants will be admitted to the program based on how well they meet the program eligibility requirements and on space availability. Graduates of the UCAP Business Administration Career Pathway at Aurora College will be given priority in the selection process if they have submitted a complete* application before April 1. Priority consideration for admission will not be considered for applications received on or after April 1. Applications will be processed based on the date that their application is complete*.
* A complete application is one in which all required documentation (ex. application, transcripts, letter of reference) and all requested documentation (ex. additional documentation that supports your eligibility that is requested for your application) is received.
Program Information
The Business Administration program is two years in length. Students will earn a certificate after successfully completing ten specified courses. Students can then obtain a diploma by completing a second year. There are six required courses in the second year. There are also 12 electives; students must successfully complete four of them to earn a Business Administration Diploma. If students successfully complete the indicated four electives, they will earn a Business Administration Program – Accounting Stream Diploma. The Work Experience Option is available to all students but is not a required component of the program. It requires students to participate in two work placements, one after the first year and one after the second year. This provides students with an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned.
The Business Administration program may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis. Successful completion of the program requires hard work, time management skills, organizational skills, a positive attitude, and the ability to deal with stress.
The Business Administration program was designed to maximize the number of agreements regarding transfer credits with universities and professional associations. The Accounting Stream was designed to assist graduates who wish to work towards a Chartered Professional Accounting (CPA) designation.
Each of the courses in the Business Administration program will be delivered face-to-face on one or more of the three campuses of Aurora College. As well, some or all of the classes will be delivered though video conferencing to students on the other two campuses. Students will therefore receive face-to-face instruction for some of their courses from an instructor in the classroom, while they will receive instruction for other courses through video conferencing, delivered by instructors on another campus.
Program Objectives
- To provide students with knowledge and skills in the subject areas of the Business Administration program.
- To help students prepare for employment in business, government or non-profit organizations in the NWT.
- To provide students with a sound educational base so that they can continue their education after graduating and obtain educational or professional credentials.
Completion Requirements
- Students must complete all course assignments. The passing mark for each course will be 50 percent. However, students must maintain a minimum cumulative average of 60 percent in the Business Administration Program.
- Certificate students must successfully complete ten courses as specified in the curriculum.
- Diploma students must successfully complete the six required courses and four electives. Students who complete the four accounting stream electives will earn a Business Administration – Accounting Stream Diploma.
- Students who choose the optional Work Experience Option must also successfully complete two work placements, one after the first year, and one after the second year.
- Students who successfully complete the Accounting Stream will receive a Business Administration – Accounting Stream Diploma. Students who successfully complete the diploma year but who did not complete the Accounting Stream will receive a Business Administration Diploma. Students who successfully complete the Work Experience Option will receive a Business Administration – Work Experience Diploma, unless they also successfully completed the Accounting Stream, in which case they will receive a Business Administration Accounting Stream – Work Experience Diploma.
Document of Recognition
Aurora College Business Administration Certificate and/or Aurora College Business Administration Diploma
“I rediscovered a love of learning. The thought of quitting my job and enrolling in the College was hugely intimidating to me. Giving up the security of a steady paycheck and heading into the unknown was scary. But I overcame that fear and haven’t looked back. In fact I can’t wait to continue my education further.”
Michaela Johnson
Business Administration