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Program: Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE)
- Aklavik Community Learning Centre
- Aurora Campus - Inuvik
- Behchokǫ Community Learning Centre
- Délıne Community Learning Centre
- Dettah/Ndilǫ Community Learning Centre
- Fort Good Hope Community Learning Centre
- Fort Liard Community Learning Centre
- Fort McPherson Community Learning Centre
- Fort Providence Community Learning Centre
- Fort Resolution Community Learning Centre
- Fort Simpson Community Learning Centre
- Gamèti Community Learning Centre
- Hay River Community Learning Centre
- Łutselk’e Community Learning Centre
- Norman Wells Community Learning Centre
- North Slave Campus - Yellowknife
- Thebacha Campus – Fort Smith
- Tsiigehtchic Community Learning Centre
- Tuktoyaktuk Community Learning Centre
- Tulit'a Community Learning Centre
- Ulukhaktok Community Learning Centre
- Wekweètı̀ Community Learning Centre
- Whatı̀ Community Learning Centre
Program length: Ongoing
Start date: September or February
- Aurora College Record of Participation
- Full Time
- Part Time
- Classroom

Program Description
The Aurora College School of Developmental Studies Department, Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE) program curriculum includes six levels of study, ranging from basic literacy to coursework at the grade 12 level. Courses in this program enable participants to learn or relearn skills needed to meet employment, personal or educational goals. Participants in the Adult Literacy and Basic Education (ALBE) Program enroll in a program of study according to their personal needs and academic levels. Because of this, the time spent in the program will vary for each individual.
Due to the extensive range of courses available, the course offerings will vary at each Aurora College location (Community Learning Centre and Campus). Participants often enroll in the program as a first step toward receiving a high school diploma, and entering a certificate, diploma, degree or trade program. Students may take ALBE courses on a full-time or part-time basis through either classroom or distance delivery.
Aurora College has developed a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process to ensure the ALBE curriculum used in the ALBE and Access Programs is current and relevant.
Program Eligibility
Individuals who are at least seventeen years of age. Applicants must meet minimum academic prerequisites for individual courses within the program.
Applicant Assessment
Applicants must complete an Aurora College application form and submit official secondary school and/or college transcripts. Secondary school (grades 10-12) and college transcripts will be used to assist with the assessment. Where the student does not have high school or college transcripts, CAT5 placement tests may be administered to determine an applicant’s academic levels and to assess English (reading and writing) and math skills.
Placement tests may also be required where the applicant has been out of school for more than 7 years. Placement tests are not pass or fail, but designed to place the learner at an appropriate level. Also, as part of the placement process, Aurora College staff may interview each participant to assess suitability for the program.
Program Admission
Applicants will be admitted to this program based on the program’s course eligibility requirements and written assessment results if requested.
Program Information
- Program delivery varies at each program location (community learning centre and/or campus).
- The core program consists of English, Math, Career/Lifework, Career/College, Prior Learning Assessment Recognition (PLAR) Portfolio Development, Social Studies, Science, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Literacy and Essential Skills courses may be offered. Not all courses are available at all locations.
- An NWT Secondary School Diploma awarded by ECE may be obtained by adult learners who complete a minimum of 100 secondary school credits, of which 55 are specified academic course credits. The balance may be made up through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), to a maximum of 45 secondary school credits for accredited course equivalencies. While ALBE courses are not for credit courses, they may be eligible for secondary school credit in the NWT. An application must be submitted to the Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) including documentation to support PLAR assessment. Aurora College will work with ECE to evaluate documentation.
- Full-time and part-time students are placed in a program of study based on their interests and needs as well as their academic levels.
- Most courses are delivered in the classroom, but some courses may be delivered through distance delivery.
Program Objectives
The ALBE Program will provide the student with the following opportunities:
- Develop and apply technology, numeracy, and literacy skills to meet personal, employment and educational goals.
- Develop and apply communication skills to communicate effectively and build positive relationships in education, work, and personal environments.
- Apply critical thinking skills and engage in reflective practice to problem-solve and make decisions.
- Develop and apply academic skills to successfully complete course requirements and to gain admission into college/university programs or employment.
- Develop learning strategies to promote personal, professional, and academic growth and to build lifelong learning capacity.
- Develop goal-setting and self-monitoring strategies to foster independence, perseverance, and responsibility for their own learning.
- Explore their own culture and the history and cultures of the NWT to contribute to the development of a strong cultural identity and a positive personal narrative.
- Develop a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) portfolio which can be used for personal affirmation, to gain employment, or accredited course equivalencies; and
- Explore an alternative pathway for adult learners to earn an NWT Secondary School Diploma.
Completion Requirements
Students must achieve 60% in ALBE courses unless otherwise identified in the course outline.
Document of Recognition
Record of Participation
NWT Secondary School Diploma may be awarded by the Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) to an adult learner who meets the NWT Secondary School Diploma requirements. Students are required to complete and submit the application directly to ECE.
If you are applying to a Community Learning Centre, go to you local Community Learning Centre Page and contact your local Community Adult Educator for information.