Health and Healing IV: Health Challenges/Healing Initiatives
Course number: HLTH 0108
Course length: 90 hrs
Course credits: 6 credits
Course description:
(Semester Four) (Formerly 261-108)
Students continue their focus on providing safe, competent, culturally appropriate care, and begin to synthesize nursing and interdisciplinary knowledge into nursing care in the context of selected complex illnesses across the lifespan. Students will integrate foundational knowledge from pathophysiology, pharmacology, and nursing into their clinical reasoning skills in order to plan care that is patient-centred, evidence-informed, and culturally competent care for persons across the lifespan. Students examine nursing practice and health care environments by examining meanings associated with vulnerability, ethics and informed consent, health promotion, and Indigenous ways of knowing and being.
Course delivery:
- In Person
Programs this course is part of: